Thursday, June 9, 2011



  • The unemployment rate crept back up to 9.1%, Unemployment is higher now than it was during the great depression.
  • 5 or more job seekers for every 1 job that becomes available.
  • It has been reported that there are 3 million jobs available for more than 15+ million unemployed.
  • There are approximately 3-8 million who have exhausted all benefits available and are still unable to find work. This number varies depending on the source. This number grows every day. 
  • Countless families have lost their homes, foreclosures are at an all time high.
  • There are approx. 44 million families on food stamps. This number is the result of the economy and joblessness and was only half that before the recession started.
  • The Wall Street bail out cost trillions and did NOTHING to help the economy. In fact, more than 10 million people became unemployed as a direct result of this. Go to this website for details about how this effected the economy and jobs.
  • Suicide among the long term unemployed has risen dramatically.
  • Families have used their life savings to try and weather unemployment, only to realize that they may never get it back. 
  • For every dollar of unemployment benefits given, 1.91 gets put right back into the economy. 
  • Homeless shelters are full and turning people away, tent cities are popping up everywhere.
  • Food banks are empty everywhere, there is no where left to turn for some.
  • Several Economists have said that unemployment benefits is one of the most effective ways to stimulate the economy. 
There are many, many more facts I could list but I think you all already know what they are. Knowing this, how could you possibly ignore or deny people the help they so desperately need? It is extremely disturbing to us that our lives depend on Congress for so many things. You are suppose to be doing whats best for ALL Americans, not just a select few who fall into the elitist category!

The facts I listed above, are more than enough proof that we need more assistance and FAST. There are more reasons to add more benefits for exhaustees than there are not. So whats the issue?

Reps Barbara Lee and Scott have created a bill which has 82 cosponsors, all of them democrats. HR 589 needs to be brought out of committee and needs to be supported by ALL of congress. Your procrastination and negligence is shameful at best. How can you call yourselves public servants when you constantly hurt the public?

While we all agree we need to make drastic changes to get the economy back on track, it should not be at the expense of human lives. Where is your moral compass?

Providing more unemployment benefits to exhaustees will benefit communities. Millions of people would be contributing to the economy again and even possibly create a few jobs. For example, all unemployed have to pay state and federal taxes on benefits they receive, they will be able to go into small businesses to purchase necessities, pay utilities mortgages and rent, walk into grocery stores and buy food, purchase gas for job interviews, more benefits would also allow for some to be able to afford expenses to go back to school. All of these things are essential to the small business community.

Act now, or face losing YOUR job come election time. We have had enough! People are truly suffering and its time to get serious and pass legislation that will create jobs and help those that are still unable to find work after 99 weeks. I fear if you do not do something soon, there will be civil unrest. People are frightened and not for the same reasons you keep speaking of in your news clips. We care about how we are going to eat and pay our rent NOW. We care about how this is effecting our children NOW and in the near future.



Concerned Citizen

Member of The American 99ers Union

Advocate for the unemployed and job creation

"Unemployed Friends Letter for 99ers" created by moderator/advocate MaryKay Coyne

PLEASE watch this video!
ConcernedInKY, founder of  UE support forum Displaced American Workers United, did a fabulous job making this video!



  1. Any one in America looking for Armageddon to occur somewhere in the "Holy Lands" should look below their feet. They don't call them 'food riots' 'cause they're about a shortage of Reeboks. Or 'class warfare' because it's about schools.
    Wake up, America politicians. You can only rub a human's face in the dirt before they get mad enough to get up and take a swing at you. Many, many swings are welling up in the arms of the exploited American workers

  2. Congress,

    I'm 55yrs ex USMC hon/dis/charged, college grad.with no job,no money! I have sent out over 350 resumes just since Nov.2010!!! Thanks for nothing. In the years to come when old age is setting in with karma being karma I hope you feel the same way you are making people feel now when you are being taken care of by another person and the care that does not have your best well being at heart, I hope you live for a long, long time and really experience the hopelessness of being in someone else's hand.

    ( A Voter )

  3. You disgusting politicians you know the majority of these unemployed are over 50. You know they are too old to revolt. If this was the 60's you may already be under attack for your vicious and greedy politics !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Pass H.R. 589 now!! Families are starving! and 99ers do vote and we are now 10 million strong!

  5. The payroll tax cut program is not going to work! That was in place for 2009 and 2010 - where did it get us? NOWHERE! Employers won't hire if there are no consumers to buy their goods, and with no income we can't even buy food to put on the table for our families! Wake up, Washington! People are starving, living in their cars, families have separated, suicides are on the increase - we are not a third world country! This is America and the economic situation is equal only to that of the Great Depression. We can't wait for you to create jobs! We have been more than patient waiting for these jobs that were promised. You need to act now to provide relief for America's humanitarian crisis! Get HR 589 to the floor and pass it NOW!

  6. "People are dying. Your constituents are dying and you are playing bi-partisan politics and destroying people over money and greed. It's a shame and a disgrace that we have become a nation that has sold out for corporations/globalization.

    People do see what is being done and we are also aware if you will let one person die on the streets that has worked their whole life out of decency and respect than you will let anyone and everyone die, all in the name of evil and a larger profit margin for your masters and yourself. There should not be a question or a complaint from any side when things are this bad. There needs to be two extentions given (HR589 and another tier)at the same time there is something done to penalize corps for outsourcing, and bring the jobs that got you all paid, by selling out your own country for your international owners back. It's sad to think what you have in store for the decent hard working people of this nation, but I will say if there is a grain of humanithy left in either side Washington you would make the people that put you in office a priority instead of the deficit, wars, oil, medicare, and Mr. Weiner.

    GOP, making Obama a one term president is not a higher priority than life. Dems being an enabler for the GOP under the guise of making him a one term president is sad. Stop the political theatrics and help the American people (it's badly acted out anyway). Thank you."

  7. The results of a study done by Rutgers revealed that 46% of college graduates w/ a four year degree have yet to find work. Over half of those with jobs who found employment are in positions that did not require a college degree.

    "Unemployment is not just an issue of age or education. Unemployment is an equal opportunity offender." The American 99ers Union

  8. If we keep ignoring this issue it will continue to swell to astronomic proportions.

    Come on Congress, Your job is not only to win the next election, its to legislate for the Citizens of the United States and ALL of their best interests.

    I am disgusted with the circus that Washington has become. Put your special interests aside and start listening to your constituents. WE are what has made this country great in the past. The USA thrives on all classes, not just the rich.

    The GOP needs to stop trying to unseat Obama at the expense of the elderly, middle class, and poor and get back to work for the the American people!!

  9. Things are getting worse and worse everyday. People are becoming desperate. I just read an article where a man robbed a bank for $1 so he could get health insurance in prison. He is having major health issues and is unemployed with no health insurance. What a sad, sad country this has become.
