Sunday, May 29, 2011


After becoming interested in politics last summer, I have to admit it has been one wild roller coaster ride! Is it all an act? Do they really believe what they are trying to sell? How can we actually trust these people?

I never realized until last summer that they hold all of our lives in their hands. What a revolting thought, really. We are at the mercy of Congress who have shown time and time again that big business and wall street is their main concern. Not the elderly, not our children, certainly not the unemployed who are now starting to make up a big portion of the population here in the USA. 

I hate to single out one party, but hey, they deserve it! The GOP has gone way too far. They seem to forget what this country was built on. If it weren't for the middle class AND poor the big corporations and big banks they cater to would be out of business. Even the elderly, poor and middle class who receive entitlements contribute to the economy. I'm certainly no expert on the subject, but it seems to me if you take those away we will see the economy take a turn for the worse. 

Unemployment benefits

One of the biggest misconceptions about unemployment benefits is that people who receive them are somehow living lavish lifestyles beyond your wildest dreams. This couldn't be further from the truth. Most people who receive these benefits get less than half of what they earned while working. The average unemployed person receives $300 or less per week. Most have had to move in with family or friends (if their lucky) and have lost everything. 

Another misconception is that unemployment benefits recipients can find a job if they really wanted to. Let me start by saying how absolutely untrue this is...There are currently 3 million jobs available in the USA for more than 15 million unemployed. (15 million does not include the 99ers or underemployed). The jobs that are available today are menial at best. Who can raise a family on UI benefits or minimum wage? NO ONE! 

Misconception #3 is that the Bush Era Tax Cuts were necessary to create jobs. These tax cuts for the wealthy  have been in place for 10 yrs. If this were true we wouldn't be discussing unemployment right now because we would all be gainfully employed. All these tax cuts have done is make the rich richer and left the US with a deficit. 

Fact - People who receive UI benefits put money right back into the economy. In fact they stimulate the economy. For every dollar of UI issued, 1.90 gets put back into the economy...basic math...seems to be lacking in congress. 

This is my first post so please bear with me until I get a feel for this new venture! Im still learning how this all works. Thank you for reading my first post!! Critiques are welcome 


  1. Its your fault that you would let someone or something control such an important aspect of your life like your earning power. But the real problem with your life is you have let it continue for over a year. Being a w2 earner will never get you ahead and now in fact its going you further into trouble.

  2. If you are uber rich you control Congress, if you are middle class or poor they both control you! I don't care how you put it, Its wrong!! Not all of us are entrepreneur material. In fact most people work for someone else (if their lucky to even find a job now a days.)

    The facts are there if you choose look. Too many law makers have big business in their back pocket and vice versa.

  3. The fact remains being successful is a choice. Nobody gave me what I have and no one is going to take it. See how that works? Your type of facts don't get the bills paid, so that makes them excuses.

  4. @Downtomylastmillion - I'd say you are paid by the ultra rich to degrade the unemployed; attempting to strip dignity and render them desperate, helpless and lacking a personally empowered attitude. Sometimes you go by "tired of whining seniors" or "Dash" or the most recently exposed "Dave" on Facebook. If you were really rich, you wouldn't waste your time harassing people whom you have manipulated to do your bidding. You are an agent of the elite and although you might be paid on a 1099, your livelihood is completely controlled by their whims.

    Even in self-employment, after education, experience and decades of quality service, the ability to compete against billionaires who outsource to slave-labor countries, advertise relentlessly, own mainstream media, make decisions that kill people and the environment, hire attorneys to intimidate and litigate and buy off elected officials for favorable legislation allows the rich to get richer at the expense of everyone else. High quality goods and services provided by small business can not compete against brainwashing-rich advertisements played ad infinitum to entice mindless consumers into greed based ignorance.

    The fact is that there is and has never been a level playing field. Those born to rich parents have a distinct advantage. Through quality of education, adult attention, access to resources and influential connections these children are brought up with an empowered mentality that paves the road to success. There is not equality of opportunity in this world and it is up to every individual to resist the urge to accept this poverty programming. The way to do this is first, ignore statements from frightened fools like Downtomylastmillion and elite owned media that are clearly designed to upset you.

    The truth is we all have within us the power to change our mind and actions to peacefully destroy the system of slavery. We're moving into a resource based economy where "paying the bills" is irrelevant and people contribute to society by doing what they love. We are in transition and it frightens the very rich to think they must search within to find their own value, not found in bank accounts. It is scary for them to think about actually making a contribution to society and being loved for being themselves, without money to buy affection and attention.

    Welcome to the new paradigm. Join with others who intentionally co-create their lives and the world. Humanity is at an evolutionary point, never before accomplished. We are beginning to achieve what spiritual masters have taught for thousands of years - demonstration of our individual divinity and connection to the Source of all.
